Kód produktu: F131490 Dodávateľský kód: FOTO_KARTY


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Set obsahuje 37 karát, ktoré pomáhajú zachytiť kľúčové momenty a významné udalosti v živote dieťaťa. Pomocou karát dokumentujú rodičia jeho vek, môžu ho odfotiť s najobľúbenejšou hračkou, po prvej lyžičke jedla s prvým úsmevom na tvári aj s prvým vyrasteným zúbkom. Na rube karát je priestor pre podrobnejšie popísanie vývojovej fázy alebo momentu.

POZOR: len v anglickom jazyku

A child’s first years are full of unique, inimitable moments. Snap the Moment photo-cards are a set of 37 cards to use with a photo, so that you can store important moments in the life of your little one. The first month, the first day of kindergarten? Perhaps Grandmother’s Day greetings? Remember those shared moments creating your unique, unforgettable story; your own photo story. Photo-cards are versatile – on the back of a card you can write down the details of emotions and events of those special moments. Pastel colour pictures and light subtle colours willl appeal to both children and parents. The cards are made of strong rigid paper to endure attacks of little rascals. Snap the Moment photo-cards are packaged in custom-made ecological boxes which become storage boxes later. The product makes a perfect gift. It’s ideal for a mother-to-be and new parents. It’s a must-have when you’re heading for a baby shower!

The box contains 37 cards:

  • age markers (1 month to 3 years of age)
  • development markers (little and major steps in childhood stages)
  • special moments (to share with your nearest and dearest)
Snap The Moment
dievčatá, chlapci